Dystrybutor sprzętu medycznego i kosmetycznego


We’ve been an importer and distributor of beauty and medical equipment for last 20 years. We started in 2000 (till 2013) as a sole distributor of LPG Systems® (Endermologie®), later on for two years we were a sole distributor of Solta Medical, Inc. (Fraxel, Thermage, Liposonix, Isolaz, Clear & Brilliant). Right now we mainly co-operate with Italian company Mantis, manufacturer of devices for endomassage enriched with magnetic field and dual/triple wavelength lasers for epilation, as well as with German company Nora Bode, which produces systems for oxytherapy, Oculoplastik Canada, manufacturer of eye covers and laser treatments eye glasses (eye corneal shields), to name a few. We are also a distributor of Allergan/Abbvie products like Juvederm, HarmonyCa, Volite. Our newest proposition are personalized Genoxage cosmetics, produced on basis of DNA test. We are also in a position to offer tips for Solta’s devices, please do not hesitate to contact us about, as well as our demo devices – Fraxel, Thermage, Liposonix or Clear & Brilliant. We still have a big stock of spare parts for LPG Systems® machines (Cellu M6 IP/ST®, Keymodule®, Keymodule 2®, Lipo M6®, Lift M6®, Endermolab®, Integral®), some of which are even no longer offered by the manufacturer – please get in touch with us in case of any need. We can offer accessories, consumables and spare parts (tips, handpieces, cartridges etc.) for Aqua Gold, Endymed Intensif, LaseMD, Morphpolmax.eus8, SkinPen, ThermiVa, UltraPulse, Venus Viva. We ship worldwide daily. There is also quite a long list of secondhand and demo machines for sale, like: AccuSculpt II Lutronic, Aemotio Lemi SPA water bed, AlexTriVentage Candela, Alma Accent Prime, Alma Harmony XL Pro, Biotec Italia Coaxmed, Intraject, BTL Eat SkinShock, BTL Emsella, BTL Ensemble, BTL Vanquish, Candela GentleMax PRO, Clear & Brilliant, Emsculpt, Endymed PRO, Exilis BTL, Fotona SP Dynamis, Fotona SP Spectro, Fotona QX Max, FUSIOMED ICE, Fraxel, Hydrafacial, Ilipo, Innofacial, Isolaz, Lightsheer Duet, Liposonix, LPG Endermologie, Lumenis M22, Lumenis Quantum, Med2contour, Mydon, Picosure, PHILIPS Lumify L12-4, Plasmage, S.A.F.E.R., Scizer, Soprano Ice Platinum, Storz Medical, Syneron E-max, Syneron Polaris 5000, Tesla Pulse, Thermage, ThermiVa ThermiRF, Titan, Triwings LED, Ulthera, Ultraformer, Vanity Liposhock, Vaser, Veniro, Venus Legacy, Venusian CO2 carboxytherapy, Visia, VPL Energis, XLASE PLUS, Zaffiro, Zeltiq coolsculpting. If you have any needs, please contact us at:

ul. Szafranowa 5/7
42-224 Częstochowa
tel. +48 722 206 132
tel. +48 725 206 132

polmax.eu - dystrybutor sprzętu medycznego i kosmetycznego częstochowa
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